
Biden and Harris 'rhetoric is causing me to be shot at': Is Trump right?


Fact Box

  • Former President Trump was the victim of two assassination attempts within the span of two months: the first on July 13, 2024, at a Trump rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and the second on September 15, at his golf course in West Palm Beach, Florida. 
  • On September 16, 2024, Trump asserted that “[President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris’] rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country – both from the inside and out.” 
  • According to the Listen First Project, the majority of Americans are tired of political division in America and say “political polarization” is a threat to America. 
  • As of September 17, Harris is ahead in 2024 presidential polls at 48.3%, while Trump is at 45.3%.

Mark (No)

Trump’s claims that the “rhetoric” that Biden-Harris has spread about him, leading to another assassination attempt, is meritless. On his own, he is one of the country's most controversial presidents and public figures. He seems to forget that there is still a sizable portion of the population who hold him directly accountable for the events on Jan 6. The fact that Trump has yet to apologize or accept any responsibility has quite likely enraged the wrong kind of people. Many Americans saw the event of that day as one of the most disgraceful in history, with Harris putting it on the same level as Pearl Harbor and 9-11. Trump was asked about the incident during the debate, proving it's still fresh in people’s minds.  

At the debate, Trump’s bizarre claims about what is happening in Springfield have also won him no favors with Ohio voters. He also claimed that pregnancies were being carried to full terms, then being aborted. Abortion is one of the most sensitive topics in the nation; its discussion could trigger unhinged individuals. Trump has routinely had the lowest approval ratings of any President in recorded history. Millions of Americans do not want Trump back in the White House, and disturbingly, some of them seem to be willing to stoop to violence to prevent it. Trump likely sees this as an opportunity to swing voters to his side, and he of all people should be aware of political methods during and around election season. It’s far from uncommon for politicians to employ critical “rhetoric” against their opponents. Trump should accept this fact, making his critics the least of his worries.  

Curtice (Yes)

The constant drumbeat against Trump among the lockstep media members and Democrats, led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, goes well beyond the typical political campaign rhetoric. Media bias against Trump began when he first started running as a Republican. Such negative coverage continues today and is continuously cycled between Democrats and the media.

Before Trump’s first assassination attempt, Biden said, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.” He recently called the current election a 'battle for the very soul of the nation.' Biden-Harris and their supporters have repeatedly labeled Trump a 'threat to democracy,” saying a Trump win would 'end our democracy.' Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-Virgin Islands) said last year in a televised interview that Trump 'needs to be shot,' before quickly correcting herself to say “stopped.” A slip of the tongue, perhaps, but maybe not a slip of the thought. These comments, and others like them, contain violent overtones. 

Harris recently slandered Trump on the debate stage, saying he called neo-Nazis 'very fine people,' wanted to be a 'dictator,' and said there would be a 'bloodbath' if he lost re-election. Democrats accuse Trump of being an 'existential threat,' a fascist, Hitler, or even 'worse than Hitler.' One day after a second assassination attempt, Hilary Clinton continued to use escalating-type rhetoric, calling Trump a “danger to the country and the world.' This rhetoric is intended to dehumanize Trump and frighten Americans from voting for him.  

It's not a great leap to see how a few—or perhaps more than a few—maladjusted individuals feel that they must take matters into their own hands and assassinate Trump. Biden-Harris and others are absolutely complicit in heightening violent rhetoric against their Republican opponents.

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