Is Biden right to grant Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelan migrants in US?
Fact Box
- Monday, March 8, President Biden granted “temporary protected status” to Venezuelans in the United States, amounting to around 320,000 people. Those individuals would be able to apply to live in the US for 18 months.
- While Donald Trump was president, he “refused” to support Venezuelan protection, and instead placed oil “ sanctions on Venezuela to try to force [President Nicolas] Maduro out.”
- Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro N. Mayorkas stated, “the living conditions in Venezuela reveal a country in turmoil, unable to protect its own citizens” and commented that the US had a duty to support the Venezuelan people already in the states.
- Individuals looking to seek TPS “must apply” within the 180-day registration period starting on March 8.
- The US grants TPS to “over 400,000 foreign nationals” from countries like El Salvador, Honduras, Hait, Nepal, Syria, and five other countries.
Tyler (Yes)
President Joe Biden's decision to grant Temporary Protected Status to Venezuelan migrants is the most beneficial conclusion for all parties involved. These migrant families already may be struggling to navigate through difficult times brought on by the pandemic; facing deportation would be another significant obstacle.
Biden allowing Venezuelans to have protected migrant status is a stark difference from when Trump potentially broke the law to deport them through a third-party nation. These Venezuelan refugees are participating in and contributing to the US economy, which is much needed after the pandemic's financial devastation. Biden's ruling will protect approximately 300,000 Venezuelan migrants from deportation. With immigrants making up over 65% of labor-force jobs, these people will be a part of the push to boost the economy. These migrants work for businesses that may have been struck hard by recent shutdowns and struggle to find employees to get them back on their feet.
Also, there is a sizable financial cost associated with the process of deportation. As of 2016, the United States was estimated to have spent $10,854 for each migrant deported. Deporting migrants that could help lead the way in jumpstarting the economy would not be cost-effective in any manner.
Finally, another danger in the process of deportation could be the massive spread of COVID-19 set off by deporting such a large number of people. Often involved in the process are detainment centers where 'social distancing is impossible, and people often lack access to adequate sanitation, hygiene supplies, or medical care.'
President Joe Biden made the correct economic and moral decision when allowing Venezuelan migrants to stay.
Stephanie (No)
President Biden did not appear to consider the American people in his decision to grant Temporary Protected Status to over 300,000 Venezuelan immigrants in the US. While those in favor of the protections claim that it is a 'humanitarian' effort, they neglect to consider the effects that this could have on the citizens of the country that Biden has pledged to serve.
The United States has arguably enough undocumented immigrants in the country, especially with recently implemented sanctuary states and cities, which some politicians have allowed. However, this is something that the previous administration recognized, concerned that 'years of extensions were prolonging immigrants' stays in the United States.'
It is also unfair to allow hundreds of thousands of migrants to cut in line ahead of the countless other foreigners going through the lengthy process of becoming a lawful citizen--while sending the message to the world that the US can accommodate a mass influx in population.
Financially, the move does not benefit the country, either. Increased immigrants and refugees put a financial burden on the nation, which is the last thing needed with increased unemployment and several rounds of stimulus checks.
Regarding the pandemic, allowing Venezuelans to remain here is irresponsible, as a population increase puts the country at risk for another spike in COVID-19 cases. Other countries have closed their borders due to it, and the US should as well.
While it is, of course, unfortunate that those fleeing Venezuela have suffered under socialistic policies, it does not necessarily mean that democratic nations such as the US must immediately come to their aid.
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