
Does easy access to free abortions affect people's sexual behavior?


Fact Box

  • Abortion became a constitutional right for women across all 50 states following the 1973 Supreme Court Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions. Since then, there have been roughly 60 million abortions in the US.
  • Gallup polling records how the country has remained narrowly divided on abortion with 48% identifying as pro-choice and 46% as pro-life in 2020.  
  • The Guttmacher Institute reported in 2016 that 60% of women who have abortions were in their 20s and 25% were in their 30s. Adolescent abortion patients have declined by 32% since 2008. 59% of women had “at least one previous birth.”
  • Planned Parenthood’s 2017-2018 annual financial report revealed the organization still received $543.7-564.8 million in fungible federal grants and reimbursements. They additionally received $100 million in private donations.

Stephanie (Yes)

The ability to easily obtain an abortion, let alone a free one, can cause individuals to partake in risky sexual acts that could lead to pregnancy. Knowing the consequences and the ability to 'undo' them may subconsciously cause one to forgo the risks, as they can be 'erased' when abortion is used as a 'backup plan.'

Many adolescents are taught that abortion is an 'option' for an unwanted pregnancy. A truly pro-life person would argue that it is never moral to end a pregnancy purposely; conversely, pro-choicers can depend on the notion that abortion is a woman's right and that, in many cases, it can be obtained easily or cheaply.

When abortions are local and free, it removes various barriers to them, making them more accessible, while promoting 'consequence free sex.' Studies affirm this, considering the higher rate of STDs in pro-abortion states compared to anti-abortion ones, and the rates of such before and after the passing of Roe v. Wade. For example, there is an average 35% increase in gonorrhea cases where and when abortion was legal between 1963 and 2000.

Providing abortions puts unborn lives at risk as well as in their respective communities. It sends the message that sex is not something to take seriously and that if an unwanted pregnancy occurs, it can be 'dealt with' on the taxpayer's dime, no less. This removes all responsibility in a woman's decision-making. Regarding accessible abortion and socio-economic statuses, pro-choice advocates will often also cite that inaccessibility to the procedure results in more children being born into poverty. While there is some truth to this, it is arguably better to be born poor than not be born at all.

Jessica (No)

As of 2019, there were six states in the United States with only one abortion clinic, and 90 percent of all counties in the United States did not provide abortions, even though 30% of women in America will have an abortion during their childbearing years. Therefore, poor women are forced to have unwanted children because they cannot afford to travel, and some cannot get Medical Assistance unless they have a dependent child or are pregnant.

Abortions are painful, expensive, and traumatizing to women, and although most don't regret having an abortion, it is not a preferred method of birth control for anyone. Abortion clinics are commonly protested, bombed, set on fire, invaded, and vandalized by people who think they are saving the lives of future fetuses or embryos that are being aborted—disregarding the doctors, support staff, and the (pregnant) patients themselves inside the building. 

The prerequisites to getting an abortion often involve mandatory waiting periods, 'counseling,' and unnecessary pre-abortion ultrasounds to instill added guilt and shame in a woman who knows in her bones and her soul that she is in no position to care for a child for a lifetime. Some states require doctors to lie to their patients and tell them that abortions correlate with breast cancer in an effort to deter abortions.

People have sex, and they are always going to have sex—especially young people. Sex is a natural human behavior. People do not purposefully have sex to experience an abortion or look forward to it. There is no correlation between sexual behavior and abortion. Unwanted impregnation is the norm in America.

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